Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Information

Vacuum Aspiration and Dilation and Curettage; This abortion procedure, also known as D&A or suction aspiration, uses gentle suction to remove all of the pregnancy tissue. A vacuum aspiration abortion procedure  can be performed in one visit and is an option for women until 10 weeks have passed since their last menstrual period. It is nearly 100% effective.

Abortion procedure

There are three main types of medical abortion. By far the most common procedure involves insertion of a cannula through a woman's cervix and removing the fetus and placenta using vacuum aspiration. This procedure generally is used in the first trimester (i.e., the first three months after conception) and accounts for about 90% of all medical abortions.
In this procedure, which takes about 5 to 10 minutes and can be performed in a physician's office, the woman lies on an examining table with her feet in stirrups. A local anesthetic or a general anesthetic may be used . Opening the cervix may be painful, so local or general anesthesia is typically needed.
The first step in the procedure involves the insertion of a speculum to hold the vaginal walls apart. Tools are used to grasp the cervix after it has been prepared with Betadine and possibly numbed. The cannula is carefully inserted through the cervix into your uterus. The actual evacuation is performed by applying suction to the syringe or via the machine. The sucking action of the machine, similar to the device used by dentists to remove excess saliva during dental procedures, removes the contents of the uterus.
The procedure takes a few minutes to complete. There is a small amount of blood loss.
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After the Abortion Procedure

Activity: You may be referred for ongoing counseling and support after an abortion. You may eat a regular diet and resume normal activity. Avoid heavy activity or lifting for a few days. Do not use tampons, douche, or have sexual intercourse for one week.

Medications: You may be given medication for pain, but these are usually not necessary. Your doctor may prescribe medications for painful contractions and cramping of your uterus, but with a first-trimester procedure, none are usually needed. İf you have pain, your doctor may suggest acetaminophen (such as Tyleno)l or ibuprofen (such as Advil) and similar pain relievers.

After Abortion İn İstanbul Mitera Clinic


Abortion does not require a stay in the hospital unless you have a medical condition that requires you to be monitored or if you have a complication with the surgical procedure.

Complications of Abortion

Heavy Bleeding - Some bleeding after abortion is normal. However, if the cervix is torn  or the uterus is punctured, there is a risk of severe bleeding known as hemorrhaging.
Infection Infection can develop from the insertion of medical instruments into the uterus, or from fetal parts that are mistakenly left inside (known as an incomplete abortion).  A pelvic infection may lead to persistent fever over several days and extended hospitalization.  It can also cause scarring of the pelvic organs.
Incomplete Abortion - Some fetal parts may be mistakenly left inside after the abortion. Bleeding and infection may result.
Damage to the Cervix - The cervix may be cut, torn, or damaged by abortion instruments.  This can cause excessive bleeding that requires surgical repair.
Scarring of the Uterine LiningSuction tubing, curettes, and other abortion instruments may cause permanent scarring of the uterine lining. 
Perforation of the Uterus - The uterus may be punctured or torn by abortion instruments. The risk of this complication increases with the length of the pregnancy.

If you have these symptoms, you should see your health care provider:

Severe pain
Fever of 100.4°F or higher
Bleeding through more than four or five pads per hour or more than 12 pads in 24 hours

You may be given pain relievers during the first 24 hours after surgery, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol). After that time you can switch to a pain reliever such as ibuprofen (Advil)
You should make sure you have been given emergency contact numbers and instructions regarding where to go if you have an emergency and cannot reach your health care provider. You may bleed very little, if at all. The most common bleeding pattern is bleeding the day of the procedure, then not much until the fifth day after surgery, when heavier cramping and clotting occurs.
You should not use tampons for five days and should not have intercourse until bleeding has stopped for a week or you have been cleared by your doctor at your appointment after the surgery.

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Be Careful;No name doctors and fake clinics that you might stumble upon on the internet could be a serious risk to your health.
To contact english speaking certified gynecologist Dr.Nevra and talk to her personally to get information on all examinations and procedures message on call
+90 532 3540553 on Whatsapp.

Always make contact with your doctor, no matter the speciality, before travelling in for examination and procedures.
We are legal and safe abortion clinic in İstanbul for foreigners and licensed by the Ministry of Health.


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